Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spotty Day by Howick Intermediate

Today Friday 28th March here at Howick Intermediate we participated in the ‘Go Spotty’ Mufti Day to raise awareness of this terrible disease that is affecting over 4000 kiwis every year.
The idea is to get everyone wearing something spotty or dotty to get people thinking about melanoma and checking their skin for ‘spots’ or signs that could lead to melanoma later on in life.
In our class Leya was the Spotiest!!!
We had planned games that we orgnised for ourselves.
It was a fun day for a worthy cause.


  1. Well done to 'spotty-wotty' Leya Naidoo!

    1. I enjoyed looking at the photos is Go Spotty Mufti Day in 28th March 2014


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