Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mooncake Festival

The Edgewater Jnr class has created this great video about the Chinese Mooncake Festival. Awesome job guys!


  1. Well done Edgewater college Juniors - you are so clever - Thank you for sharing your movie with us :)

  2. What a professional job! I really enjoyed your movie - Very well done.

  3. wowzers Edgewater Juniors!!!! your movie is sooooo cool!! i love the way Chang'e turns into the moon. And the flame effects and music make it so moody.Very impressive!! I cant wait to see the next movie.


  4. Awesome movie Edgewater Juniors. You captured the mooncake story really well. Move over Peter Jackson!!!

  5. We learnt about the mooncake festival at school as well. It must have been good fun doing the scenery and puppets and all the other stuff. I wish we could have made a movie in our class too. Well done.
    Nathan (aged 10).

  6. i am at my school doing some research on chinese religus festivals. i found this movie and i think it is real good. i liked the way the lady sudenly becomes the moon that was a good effect. keep it up. daryl

  7. Well done Edgewater. You have shown us so much. I love the talking and the expressions you used in your voices. Will look forward to many more movies.

  8. Congratulations Edgewater Juniors, I did enjoy watching your movie. I'm sure a lot of work went into this, and it was well worth the effort. You have certainly done yourselves and the school proud. Very well done.

  9. Loved the movie - like the music used for the final credits too - nice touch!

  10. Some great effects in this little film. Well done to who ever put it together.

  11. Great Job Edgewater Jnr class - it would have been very hot with 10 suns. I am glad they got shot down and only one was left. That would be much better. I liked this movie because it had some good effects in it and it told the story nicely. Keep it up Edgewater Jnr class.

  12. What a fabulous team effort!!! great graphics and choice of music. loved the narration. Peter Skudder Auckland NZ

  13. Thank you for such an entertaining movie. There were some great effects. I thought it was clever how the suns were shot down! Well done!

  14. Cool little movie. Time for another?


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